Fraud Blocker Description of Foot Massage | Siam Relax | Thai Massage Poznan
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What is foot massage?


An excellent relaxing massage that has the ability to prevent as well as cure several health concerns. Our licensed massage therapists will sit on benches, stools, or the floor to work on our client's feet while they take off their socks and shoes and sit in a comfortable chair.


Clients will be asked about any ailments so that our massage therapists can use specific pressure points in their feet to help eliminate those issues without relying on medicine. 


There are several reflexology or pressure points located in an individual's hand and feet, which are directly connected to the nervous system. Every pressure point begins in the feet and eventually travels to the head through essential organs. By apply pressure on certain parts of the soles and sides of feet, numerous muscles and fundamental organs can also be reached. 


Foot massage will bring many benefits to your body and spirit


  • Improving circulation

  • Prevents foot and ankle injuries

  • Reduces the effects of anxiety and depression

  • Helps eliminate migraines and headaches 

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Helps with plantar fasciitis and flat feet

  • Helps eliminate symptoms of menopause and PMS

  • Reduces the effect of edema in pregnant womenz


Masaż stóp przyniesie ze sobÄ… wiele korzyÅ›ci dla twojego ciaÅ‚a i ducha


  • Poprawa krążenia, obniżenie ciÅ›nienia krwi.

  • Zapobieganie kontuzjom stóp i stawów skokowych.

  • Eliminacja migren i bólów gÅ‚owy.

  • Pomoc w leczeniu pÅ‚askostopia i zapaleniu powiÄ™zi podeszwy.

  • Eliminacja dolegliwoÅ›ci zwiÄ…zanych z menopauzÄ… i PMS.

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